Version 1.6.3

--Circuit changes and additions--

- Planète Ficelle has a new sub-circuit named Planète Ficelle B. It's a modified version of Planète Ficelle that plays like a normal circuit rather than a hub world.

- Circuit "Saut de l'Ange" has been improved and is now its own circuit rather than a sub-circuit of Planète Ficelle. It has also therefore been removed from Coupe Frange and now belongs to Coupe Ciel.

- Piste d'Aline has been renamed to Circuit Aline and several boost rings got added.

- Sylvicircuit 4 B has been modified and has become shorter. It now has a huge portion of unused road in it but that's exactly the type of thing you'd find on Planète Ficelle.

- Planète Ficelle now appears in Coupe Argent and the Random Marathon.

- All circuits of the Coupe Argent now use Course Intro 2 as their intro music.

--Other changes and additions--

- New "turn sensitivity" slider in the race settings. You can adjust this parameter to make your car more or less sensitive when turning.

- Bots have improved since the last update and can now drive properly in most situations.

- Added a song that plays when the game is paused.

- Text displayed in the middle of the screen now has a blue background behind it.

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